Friday, August 19, 2016


I'm gonna survive I'm Alive!! (Or am I ? ) hahahah!  Everything is SUPER confusing right now and we have no time for ANYTHING!! And everything has to be in German and I am in way over my head, and I just got called as Sister Training Leader along with tons more responsibilities and lessons and things to do before Sunday and it's crazy. Also they trusted the companionship who loses everything with a cell phone, smart move. 

So I am actually doing super well. I haven't been very homesick and I am actually really happy and laugh a lot. All though, the days feel like twenty. They are SOOOO LONG! Yet still no time to do anything. We only have like two minutes to just say hello and don't worry about me. I'm totally going to make it!! (other than the fact that I felt like I only slept one hour last night)


Gotta go and be overwhelmed by so many new responsibilities and more confusion about scheduling and where to be and when and not die from lack of knowledge of language. 

Oh and my companion is Sister Racca and she is very nice and easy to talk to. Gotta go almost 9:30!! AHHHH

-Sister Losee
P.s. I am already known to talk a lot, so you know I'm okay. 

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