Hello Everybody!!! Crazy things going down in the city of Duisburg!
This week on Tuesday I received my new (and most likely last) companion and on Wednesday morning we sent Sister Catherall on a train to Frankfurt where she would prepare to fly back to the land of America! Last week was also crazy busy with goodbye appointments and mission meetings.
On Thursday we had the chance to have a conference with Elder and SIster Sabin. They are amazing and the spirit there was so beautiful. He helped us to really remember why we are on a mission and why we do what we do. His scriptural knowledge was unbelievable and their life experiences and trials they have one through really helped me to see that God does only give us things to make us stronger and that he has a perfect plan for each of us. I also received a hello from Sister Sabin from my Aunt Terri serving a temple mission in England. It was also fun to see them because they live in Frankfurt and reminded me of the good ol Frankfurt International days.
On Friday we had mission leadership council in Frankfurt with the Sabins. It was so cool because we only talked about and focused on the mission and the strengths and weaknesses and how we can improve and be better leaders. We also talked about really focusing on our investigators being converted before being baptized. It was also very early in the morning, so we traveled down Thursday night with the APs and Dortmund Zone Leaders and then got to have a giant STL overnighting party. So fun! I had to say goodbye for the last time to Sister Jenkins my trainer before I get home in February.
On Saturday Wesel had a baptism and we took two investigators to it. It was really fun to see another ward and to see someone enter the waters of baptism.
We had a lot of goodbye appointments and ate lots of food.
We had the most amazing FHE of my whole entire life! We took an investigator and the husband he is a convert and it took him a really long time to finally learn the truth and be baptized. But he literally answered all of our investigators questions perfectly and helped to encourage and uplift our investigator. He has been discouraged because he hasn’t received his answers from the Holy Ghost yet. But I know he will get them one day and that he is just being prepared by the Lord.
My new companion is Sister Schellenberg. She is from American Fork Utah and is just adorable. She is super enthusiastic and ready to work. She better be because it is only a five week transfer and we have nine splits to do, and she needs to take over the area right away.
Last week for Sister Catheralls last pday we went to Köln and saw a really cool old Gestapo prison, just wandered around, ate Mexican Döner, and took lots of pictures.
I love that city!!
I am also entering my second to last transfer and only have 12 weeks left in I the field. WHAT!?
Well. I hope you have a wonderful week and a wonderful Thanksgiving next week!
Sister Losee
My address:
Kirche Jesu Christi
Sister Bonnie Losee
Rithlingerstrasse 7
47059 Duisburg Germany
(The one picture is of us doing the first three hand signals to the Ten Commandments)
Us being sad about sister Catherall leaving on her train
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