Friday, November 17, 2017

Finding is Fun !

As you can tell from the title this week, we had quite a bit of finding time. It actually was really fun finding time though! It started off with my split with Sister Freeman. We had about two hours to talk to people and we broke it up with a delicious short hot chocolate break and we even combined forces with the Elders for awhile. We talked to some pretty cool people. The first was an Chinese man who doesn’t really know about God and Jesus Christ. He said he definitely wanted to learn more! Sister Catherall was able to meet with him on Tuesday (i was in Dortmund on Tuesday) and he is apparently very excited and also very ready to learn more!!

On Saturday Sister Freeman and I went to a street display in Krefeld. It was way fun and pretty successful! I talked to one man from India and we talked all about the Book of Mormon and about Christ visiting the Americas. It is so cool when you really think about how our church has extra records of Jesus Christ and his ministry that no other church has! He was way interested and excited to learn more!

Sunday night we had some fallen out appointments, so we decided to do some dooring in the neighborhood and had someone invite us to come back! It is really funny too because she looked like the kind of person I wouldn’t have expected to have interest. We also talked to one man and when we said we were there to share a message about Jesus Christ he replied: “of course you can gladly do that!...... just not here.” Hahahahahahahahaha Germans are so funny. Gotta love it. 
This week I actually contacted an American too though!  He is from Georgia and Immediately when I contacted him I could tell he was American hahaha his German sounded like a brand new Elders. But hey, respect!  He is learning German!! 

This week I also went on a split with Sister Pack in Dortmund and we had a lot of fun together! We taught one of their new converts, who is african, and she loved me so much just because I know some stuff about African foods and a couple of Nigerian words.I just love Africans. 
This week was a good week! We saw lots of small miracles and just had fun while working hard. We also had a couple of awkward first lessons and just embraced the awkward. Mission life is literally just the strangest thing. 

I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween and a Wonderful week! 
Sister Losee

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