Friday, July 14, 2017

The drought before the storm

Well. Unlike the last couple weeks. This email won't be too long. Not too much time.
Any who. Transfers happened. And everything stayed pretty much the same. Just one new elder in our district. That's right. I'm going five in Leverkusen. Going to finish up Sister Hannigs training  and see what awesome things I can do in my last transfer here!

Today for pday we did 3D black light miniature golf. It was pretty fun! We also climbed the Dom (Cathedral) because Sister Hannig hadn't been up it yet. It was pretty fun I feel like the second time around went by much faster than the first.

Sunday we had a ton of finding time. And I totally didn't bring a water bottle, and Sunday ended up being SUPER hot. So what do I do? I have us go by on a whole bunch of unknown people on the ward list and contact as we go. All in hopes of finding an estranged member and get some water (and bringing someone back into the fold of God of course).
Eventually we ended up by one of our potentials and we stopped by to set up an appointment with her. Jennifer, she is a kind soul, we set up an appointment with her and then she lovingly gave me water! It may have been carbonated water but I've never drunken carbonated water more happily in my whole life.
(It then rained a TON a couple of days later and we get SOAKED! )

We had an awesome appointment with Ebenezer this week teaching tithing! We also have had the cool opportunity of using the Bible more. Ebenezer really responds to the Bible and I have learned to appreciate the strength found when having the Book of Mormon and Bible support each other! He is progressing really well and will hopefully be having a baptism in the future! He has passed his interview and we are excited for what lies ahead!!

Oh I also had a first on my mission! We were walking to an appointment in Leverkusen and a car honked at us. Turns out it was a member!!! I have never had that happen before!!
Today we also ran across some byu students by the Cathedral who were on a school trip.

All in all a good week! Hope everyone is doing well!!! Also shout out to Kaeley Clements for having a birthday tomorrow!!!!

Sister Losee

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