Thursday, July 6, 2017

It's raining blessings. Hallelujah!

Happy 4th of July week everybody!! I feel like so much has happened this week so I will try not to write too much. What I feel like was an overall feeling this week  was simply the Love of God. I truly feel like he has been raining down blessings upon us. I feel like the Lord has really been working on me and it's just amazing to see the difference it makes when we are grateful for him and really try to notice the blessings.

To start off I can mention pday last week! We went to the monkey park again! One may or may not have pooped a little on me. But it was totally worth it! We all had so much fun and it isn't very often that we have so many sisters together in one place at one time! Then after pday ended we didn't have any lessons planned, so we did some finding and then randomly decided to stop by and give our new investigator and his family a Book of Mormon (because the first time we met with him we didn't know we were meeting with him and didn't have an English Book of Mormon with us). They ended up inviting us right in and said. Okay.  Let us read. So we taught the first lesson and realized it was 8:45 and we needed to get home. We ended up getting home after 10.  Definitely not visiting that family after 8 o'clock again.

This week we also had the very strange experience of meeting a Nigerian Prince. Or so he claims. But according to one of our Nigerian members, you can be royalty in Nigeria when you are really rich. But he talked to us and was really nice. He says he knows medicine, but African medicine, and he wrote a book that he thinks is better than modern science. But sadly no one will publish it. Oh well. But I had a strange bug bite so I asked him about it and he told me what bug he thought it was and then to simply lick it a lot hahahahahha. Don't worry. We got pictures!

This week we had an amazing Sunday! A man we contacted on the street showed up to church! It had been two weeks since we'd seen him, so we almost didn't recognize him.... oops.... but he also came with his friend! We have an appointment tomorrow with them! It was really funny. When we contacted him and asked him if he wanted to meet with us to talk more about Jesus Christ he just asked when and where church was. Then when we called him later in the week he just said hurriedly on the phone "9:30 on Sunday right?" Then hung up when we said yes.  Then we were pulled out of class by a member because a random lady walked into the church. Turns out she had crashed her bike outside the church and just thought. Hey. A church! Why not go inside! So we talked to her for a while, gave her a Book of Mormon, and set up an appointment for Saturday.

Sunday just kept giving and giving though! We were on a Bahn and we were talking to a very strange Italian man, when suddenly, I overhear some people talking about the Bible in English!  So we got off at the same stop as them and talked about salvation and Jesus Christ. We then got both of their numbers! I love chasing people down.

On Monday we then met our new Mission President! President Boyer and his family are really awesome. They are so ready and excited to work and be here. Sister Boyer served a mission and you can tell that she really does love missionary work. I am excited to work with them for the next 7 months or so.

This week we also stopped by on a Bulgarian speaking potential we had doored into a couple weeks ago. We just were going to drop of a Bulgarian Book of Mormon and set up an appointment. But she invited us straight in, sat us down, gave us Pepsi, and immediately told us her whole life story. She didn't even ask us our names! I guess we do have name tags. But still. Missions are crazy!

Then of course we had the FOURTH OF JULY! We may not have been in America but we had a great day nonetheless! We got pretty close to "fireworks" when sister Hannig set off the fire alarm making herself a grilled cheese sandwich for lunch. We also had the even cooler opportunity of teaching the 18 year old referral I referenced last week! She agreed to be baptized! She is so cool and has been reading in the Book of Mormon and recognizes the spirit as she does! Then we ended off our day by having spaghetti and spaghetti Eis! It was a day for celebration!

Sorry this was so long! I hope you are all happy and healthy!
Sister Losee

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