Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ummm.........I think he said this...... ???????

We have come to another pday. And today I don't have very much motivation to email. So it will be a short one.

On Monday this week we had a very rare occasion in Leverkusen, we had an almost white day. With only one appointment we had plenty of finding time. I was talking to a family at a bus stop but then our bus came so we said goodbye and got onto our bus, I then realized that I hadn't given them a card or anything, but we knew what bus they said they would be getting on. So we get off our bus and get on their bus.  They weren't on it. So then we travel to the bus stop they were headed to and just waited for the next couple buses. They didn't get off.....
but we knew they said they would be coming off at that bus stop(because they asked us how to get there) so we thought okay. Maybe we are here for a reason, so even though we had prayed and decided on a different place earlier in the day, we decided to stay in this neighborhood.It was great! We were able to find two really cool potentials!! I know the lord puts us where he needs us to be. Even if I never did get to give that one family more information.

This week I also had the joy of translating for the first time in sacrament meeting. It was terrifying. One member got up and was telling the strangest stories and it was not good.... then a member of the stake spoke and started telling about hymn Book lyrics.
Translating certain hymns is so hard for some reason.... let's just say my brain was completely broken by the end of church.

We also set a baptismal date this week with our new investigator Ebenezer!!! He is so cool! He said he understands everything we teach him and he agrees with it all! He also has read in the a Book of Mormon, which is a really hard commitment for lots of people. But he's rocking it.

Hope you all have a fantastic week!!
Sister Losee

A very strange  lady gave this magazine to me after I gave her a a Book of Mormon..... she also kissed my head.... twice....

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