Thursday, June 22, 2017

Missionary work really is a battle!

It's been another wonderful week in Leverkusen and Köln!
Last week we had a really fun district pday and traveled out to Aachen. We saw some old tanks and got to do a little adventuring before going to a delicious hamburger place with unlimited lemonade..

and... wait for it...... ICE!!! I got to have an ice cold drink. It was wonderful.

Then we had the wonderfully awesome adventure that was Saturday!! So Friday night we get a call from an investigator sister Clifford and I used to teach but he moved to another city. He called to let us know his baptism was Saturday and he wanted us there!!! He was very insistent we come. So we call around for permission and President Stoddard let us go! So Saturday we traveled out to Solingen and got to witness the baptism of John. I am so happy for him! 
We also had a cool miracle after the baptism. We were trying to catch a bus to get back to Leverkusen for an appointment but we got a little lost and the bus only came once every hour. Well we were running late and the bus time was upon us. But I prayed and asked for the bus to be late. What do you know? We turn the corner and the bus was exactly three minutes late! Late enough for us to run across the street and catch it just in time. :) The Lord really does answer prayers. Just three minutes. That's all we needed. :) 

This week I also had the opportunity to go on splits with Sister Farner!! And it just happened to be her birthday!!! We celebrated with fancy burgers. (We attempted to be European and eat with fork and knife....... yeah that didn't work...... hahahahahha) we also were able to find a potential in a building even though one of the residents told us: "everyone here is Muslim and doesn't want to talk to you. Go away!" Miracles always happen if you just keep having faith and working hard.  

This email has become long so I will try and end. Just wanted to comment on our wonderful investigator Ebenezer! He came to church this week and when we met with him on Wednesday he had read all of the pamphlets and continues to make such great progress ! I love all of the people we work with so much!! We have another investigator and we hadn't even taught word of wisdom yet but she learned about it on her own and  when we came by to teach her she said she had already stopped drinking tea and coffee and is in the process of quitting smoking. Ahhh! So cool! 

On Sunday I had the "opportunity" to translate again. It actually went a ton better this week! Our bishop spoke a little and he talked about the book You are Special. We truly all are children of God. We each have our own talents and our own way that makes us different and we should all be embracing those differences and take all of our struggles and thoughts to the Lord. When we truly know our potential and the love God has for us, none of the "stickers" others give us will have any affect. We should simply have joy. "Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy" 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!!!! 
Sister Losee 

(When it's 9:52 and you're still 35 minutes away from home because you missed a Bahn and your house is so far away from everything.....)

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