Friday, May 26, 2017

What about the keys!?

Well missionary work is back to normal again (well, as normal as it gets in Köln). By Saturday Sister Clifford was healthy enough for us to resume chasing down bahns and eating normal food.

This past week we had the opportunity to go on splits. I went with Sister Perkins to Duisburg. Sometimes it's fun going on splits just to see a new city and area, sometimes splits are hives for miracles, and other times literally all of your appointments fall out. But you still always see the hand of the Lord.

The weather has been warming up and that means we get to meet with people outside instead of paying to sit in a cafe!!! On Tuesday and Wednesday we taught so many lessons on the Rhein, I just know summer in Germany is going to be really fun! (Minus the whole no AC thing...)

This week we made progress with one of our more frustrating investigators! His name is Tijani. He is very analytical and really struggles to know if God is real. This week he finally committed to pray! For him prayer is just such a strange and new concept. So for him to agree to do it is a huge step.

We also met with two new investigators this week. One is a German man who believes in aliens. He also smoked tobacco in my face during the first part of the lesson..... BUT he was way interested in everything we said and was really excited to start reading in the Book of Mormon.
The other person we met with is Nana. We found him when Sister Clifford was sick. Because we were stuck inside we took the time to call literally everybody in our Area Book. That's how we found Nana!  He is really cool and really prepared. He had already previously met with missionaries several years ago in Homburg and he had the coolest answers to questions about what a prophet is and the role of the Holy Ghost. He agreed to be baptized at the end of next month!

Now. You must be thinking, that sounds like a pretty normal missionary week. But wait! We can't go a week without some crazy adventure. Ours happened Sunday night. We had been out teaching a lesson at a members home and didn't get home to our apartment until 9:30 at night. We go to get in our apartment..... and we had forgotten our keys!!!! A member in our ward has spare keys, but she is on vacation. So we attempted to get in other ways but nothing worked. So we ended up traveling at 10 o clock at night to get to Düsseldorf at midnight to overnight with the sisters there. We then got spare keys from the zone leaders in Düsseldorf and headed home again Monday morning.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Sister Losee

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