Friday, May 26, 2017

Wait this isn't a craft activity!?

Not too much to report on this week. Last pday we went to a really cool castle called Schlossburg. That was really fun and I sometimes just really can't imagine people running around in chain mail and armor. It seems so funny and unpractical. 

Something that DID happen this week was the weather changed and is now very warm. I already miss air conditioning. Hahahahahha 

On Saturday we got to go and help with some service at a less actives home. I don't get too many opportunities for service. So when they do come around I love to snatch them! 

On Saturday there was also a relief society activity! We helped set up for it and we had invited our investigator Nada. And she came!! But here comes the awkward part. I thought it was a craft activity!! Turns out it's a be prepared activity and the first half was about the things you do to prepare to die. And about the laws and rules in Germany about burials and stuff. That was definitely a shock. Hahahahahahha 

Sunday was Mother's Day and skyping! A nice couple in our ward let us come over and use their wifi, then they fed us homemade tomato soup and cookies. It was really good to see my family and hear their voices again! It's funny because i was already done with church and had done a ton of stuff but my family had just been getting up for the day. Time differences are pretty weird. 

 Then on Tuesday and Wednesday sister Clifford got sick so we had to stay inside. I think I am cursed and if you become my companion recently you are signing up to also be sick. But we called tons of people and I started cleaning up our balcony and alphabetized and inventoried all of our Books of Mormon. Time not wasted. 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!! 
Sister Losee

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