Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Wait. Wie bitte. What happened!?!?

Well. Not really sure how to write this email today. We got transfer calls Saturday night at 10:00.
What's happening??!?!?!!!?!?! I'll tell you what's happening!! They're closing our area!!!!! So we get calls. Elder Evans says "Sister Losee you are going to Leverkusen" then after a pause he said: "and Sister Weeks you are going to Wetzlar" yeah. We thought it was a joke. Nope.
Frankfurt International sisters now don't exist. I will be getting on an ICE train tomorrow afternoon and heading north towards Köln. Not gonna lie. We didn't sleep much Saturday night. Now we just have adventures of closing out the apartment and packing and figuring out where all our investigators are going to be going. It was really funny though because the whole ward was devastated by the news of the sisters leaving. They all love us. They'd rather the elders leave.

So now. On to new adventures. I am actually going to need to learn and speak German now!!! It's slightly terrifying but exciting at the same time. Mostly it's really sad because sister weeks and I only got one transfer together.

Okay, the rest of my week: Had dinner with Elder Johnson and his wife from the Area Presidency. Not gonna lie. That was a little terrifying.  We had the mission  broadcast. Yup. Our missionary daily schedule and pday schedule changed!! So that's pretty exciting. I'm actually really looking forward to it. It will be good.

Oh IMPORTANT NEWS!!! Everyone PAY ATTENTION!!! President Stoddard changed our pday to Thursday's. So please don't freak out when I don't email next week on Monday. This will be really weird to have pdays on Thursday now. (But quick reminder: you can still email me on Sundays or whatever I just won't be able to respond until Thursday)

Miracle of the week: we were looking at a map we have and a name popped out to us on the map. We had never seen the name in area Book or anywhere else. But we felt like we should stop by on it. Yup. The name of the person that we read didn't exist. But we found a potential that speaks English that we set an appointment up with instead!!!
Follow the spirit. That's when miracles happen.

Sorry this is a weird email. Hope everyone has an amazing week!

Sister Losee
pictures are all of goodbyes and then the selfie is of us being SO HAPPY to ride our first bus last week!! Hip hip Hurray for no bus strikes anymore! Also enclosed is a picture of us after transfer calls.

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