Hello everyone!!!!
can't remember what happened this week. It was a weird but good week. We taught
TONS of first lessons, which was AWESOME! The restoration is such a wonderful
thing! I love to teach about Joseph smith and the first vision!!
so cool story of the week. We were contacting at a Bahnhof and we contacted
this one man. He first said: I'm Muslim. But we pressed further and asked him
if he wanted to learn more about Christ. He replied. Why not? So we had a
lesson and felt like we should talk about the plan of salvation instead. Even
though the lesson was taught in a little cafe. The spirit was so strong and he
agreed to be baptized!!! He kept telling us. "I'm so touched. I wasn't
expecting this!" So yes! The plan of salvation is AMAZING!!
else happened this week.... oh Valentine's Day. We kept completely forgetting
about it!! We were just very very confused when so many people were carrying
flowers everywhere. Then that night we went on a split with the other Köln
sisters because they accidentally overbooked appointments. I got to teach with
sister Clifford and she is an AMAZING teacher ! She was a wonderful example of
asking inspired questions.
for pday last week we just walked around Köln with a member in the ward and she
told us random stories and i got to go to the Dom (cathedral) that is super
famous here! We didn't go in it but we will in a couple weeks. Im super excited
to. It is SO beautiful. Pictures will be included.
too much else to report on. But wait. I hit my six month mark tomorrow!!!!
Ahhhhh !!!! I'm already a third of the way done with my mission!!!
we had zone conference this week!! I got to see some missionaries I haven't
seen in awhile and it was sooo good! It was so fun to catch up and learn how
they are doing. But it took us literally all day to get there and be there and
get back.
sure what else to say. I'm excited to keep working and the weather has been
improving!!! I really hope it stays that way!! Today we went to Wuppertal and
played soccer with the elders there and in Solingen. It was fun, but man am I
BAD at soccer. I accidentally tripped one of the elders and then I tripped
myself. But it was fun and cool to see a different part of Germany!! Oh yeah!!!
They have ubahns that hang from tracks in the air instead of on the ground!!!
It was so cool! They are CALLED schweberbahn (I don't know how to spell it
you all!!
yeah!!!! Shout out to my parents!!! They just had an anniversary on the 11th!!!
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