Friday, December 16, 2016


Duhn duhn duhn...... transfers....... what will be happening to me and my lovely companion?!?!?!? Stay tuned and find out next week.......
Just kidding. But not really. But maybe. It's sad to Think about. So maybe I will let you know next week. Okay. Fine. I'll let you know.

Sister Jenkins is being shipped out to Hanau!!!! It's very sad. We liked each other TOO much. It had to happen. So basically transfer calls were one of the scariest phone calls on my life. Tomorrow sister Jenkins will be leaving to another city and someone else will be taking her place. Basically it's a rollercoaster ride of emotions at different times of the day. It's exciting because I will be taking over the area and it will be good for me to not use her as a crutch.
But on the other hand. I have to take over the area. That's terrifying!? We will be lost and I have to be the one in charge at lessons for a while until sister weeks (my soon to be new companion) learns the people. Plus it's so close to Christmas. But positives. We have some great member families inviting us over. Like the Robertson's. They are from England and I LOVE them! I'm so excited to be with them on Christmas. Also. Sister Jenkins new area is super close. So she can come into Frankfurt for a pday!!!

Anywhoo. What else happened this week. Oh. Friday dinner with Janet.

Chinese restaurant. Hot pot. Nuff said. So Janet wanted to take us out to dinner to experience a Chinese hot pot. She found this super authentic Chinese restaurant and basically force fed us. Everyone be so proud. I ate  sushi. But man. Sister Jenkins and I both felt sick for a couple days after. Not good hahahaha. So much food!!!

Oh we also showed up to have lunch at Alex's work (because he invited us to) and it turns out he invited us to have his birthday lunch with him and his whole family. It was awkward because she is sooo German and i don't know German. But we will be teaching her now!!! Success!!! Also Alex was soooo happy to see us and have us meet his family. 

Man. Missions are so amazing. It's so crazy how much you love your investigators and how invested you become in their lives. You really just want them to be truly happy and enjoy the blessings go the gospel. 

Oh really cool moment I had at the street display this week. I tried really hard at focusing on the work and talking to more people (instead of freezing to death) and I got this group of scary guys to stop and they watched the Christmas initiative video!!!! None of them were interested in learning more or taking lessons. But just watching their countenance and eyes change as they watched the video was amazing. It was so cool watching the spirit work on these intimidating looking men. Ahhh the church is true. 

Keep spreading the joy of the Christmas initiative videos. They're awesome. Oh!!! On day 23 go onto the church website and watch the daily video in French and Italian. That's me!!! (So our church is right by the church offices for Europe and a lot of the people in our ward work there. And our ward mission leader works in videos and helps make and design pass along cards and stuff. Anyways. They needed very last minute to make new films for some languages and sister Jenkins and I got to do it. ) 

Well. Wish me luck.  This will be an adventure. 
Sister Losee

(This last picture we were just taking selfies on the bus because they have new buses. Well all the sudden a creeepy red light turns on.  This was our reaction. Hahahahahaha) holy cow I love sister Jenkins.

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