Friday, December 23, 2016


So this week was so packed with so much that I don't even know how to begin. We went caroling as missionaries Monday night and did contacting and it was SO successful!!! We handed out a huge box of Books of Mormon. It was awesome!!! Then Tuesday was transfers. A very very bittersweet day. I said goodbye to Sister Jenkins and I was then left in charge to get all of the trainers from Hauptbahnhof to the church. And then tons of people missed connections and it made for a stressful transfer day. But we got the last trainer to the church pretty late so I got to sit in at the pairing meeting and see the missionaries get paired with their trainers!! Man. Frankfurt life. I'm gonna miss it when I'm transferred one day.

Then Wednesday our ward went caroling and us missionaries went and contacted while they sang. Once again. SO SUCCESSFUL! We got several potentials and handed out TONS of books. We are going again tomorrow with some missionaries because it is so successful.

This week Has definitely been a new adventure. It's been pretty scary to take over an area and luckily we've only gotten kind of lost once.
Wait. Twice. Wait I just remembered another time .....  but not all the way lost. So that's good. But I have definitely been working really hard on improving my transport contacting skills and was very successful with that this week. I had lots of really cool conversations with people and my German is improving little by little.
I definitely understand a hundred times better than my speaking.

My new companion sister weeks is really nice. She is ready to have fun and work hard. I'm really glad I didn't get a super quiet companion that doesn't talk. So I have a feeling we will be good together.

We had our ward Christmas party on Saturday night!!! It was so awesome because we had THREE investigators show up! Even though poor confused me told them the wrong time at first. Grrr. Hahahahahaha I don't know why I had the wrong time.

Christmas is coming!!! I hope everyone is as excited as me!!! Yay Christmas !!! Don't forget the light the world videos and to really look for service and missionary opportunities this week!!!

Love you all so much! I'm happy and good and excited for the continued missionary opportunities ahead!!!

Sister Losee

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