Happy Almost October!!
This past transfer and the past couple weeks have just been FLYING by! Yesterday I hit my year mark in Germany and I just love it here so much. This week was really good. A lot of cool experiences and cool
people. Also had some weird classic Duisburg experiences as well.
On Wednesday we were meeting up with the man I contacted in Dortmund on a split with Sister Weeks. Well as we were waiting for him, a drunk man contacted us and said "I want to talk to brothers and sisters"
Sister Catherall gave him the address to the church and said we had to go, but two minutes later he came back up again wanting the address again. She had to tell him twice that it was already his pocket hahaha. Drunk people.
Then we taught the first lesson to this man named Shahram and his brother that he brought along for help with translation. They told us their story and they had originally turned Christian because when
their Mom had cancer someone told them Jesus could help her. So they tried praying and she ended up feeling better and didn't have so much pain anymore, so from then on they believed in Christ. I thought that
was such a cool testimony of God truly helping us when we ask for it. Later this same day we kept seeing a small man in all green clothing kind of following us around for a while. We had walked to a completely
different part of the city and he runs up behind us saying. "Do not panic" Turns out he is from Macedonia and was just lonely and wanted friends. We awkwardly turned him away and gave him the Elders card.
Then after this happened, a random man asked us if we had preach my gospel. "Don't worry. I am a member." Then he left after we said we only had the downloaded version with us at the time. What? Hahahahha
so much randomness.
THEN I was sitting down to talk to a man on the Bahn, but a different man tells me to come sit by him and talk to him. Me: "Do I know this man?" But turns out he is a member in a different city and just wanted
to talk because his girlfriend in Duisburg is also a member but less active and he wanted to know if we were visiting her. So random.
This week we went on our last two splits of the transfer. One of them was spent with the wonderful Sister Moeller. All but one of our appointments either didn't show up or canceled. But we did get to
teach a new convert, who had literally all of the facts of the restoration wrong hahahah. Joseph was 15, the angel Mormon gave him the plates, etc etc. Maybe this guy needs a little more help hahahahha but there is the language barrier. And how important is it really that Joseph was 14 not 15?
The second split was with cute Sister Baker in Bonn. We also had some fallen out appointments, but were able to do some finding. This town also happens to have the birth place of Beethoven. So we did contacting there and back. We were actually able to find a couple of cool people and see some music history at the same time! That is what I call multi tasking. We also had a really fun Family Home Evening and the family called on me to say the prayer: "Because you are only here for today!" They say. Sure. Sure. ;)
We also taught a really good first lesson with a woman named Gloria, she has a new born baby and 4 other kids, her house was literally the cleanest apartment I have seen of an African with that many children.
I was very impressed. How did that woman do it! But she was really cute and super excited to read in the Book of Mormon. I love when people are excited to read the Book of mormon!! For some reason that
can be such a hard commitment for many people. But it is true and helps us in our lives so much.
Well, this email is really long. I hope you all have a wonderful week!! Remember that God is there for us and that we can always Repent. There is a cool talk about Finding Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. But basically we all need repentance and Jesus Christ in our lives. We all have weaknesses and temptations, but
God gives us strength to overcome those.
Love you all!
Sister Losee
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