Monday, August 21, 2017

911 should be universal

Guten Tag! This week was a good week. It's crazy to think that today I hit my one year mark. This day last year I was being dropped off on the curb of the MTC. Sister missions are just so fast! I only have four transfers left! Speaking of transfers, we will be having ours on Tuesday. And I'm 95% sure I'm going to be leaving Leverkusen and the Köln ward. I've been here for almost seven months! Not gonna lie. I love this place. This ward. And all of the people soooo much. I literally don't want to leave. Transfer calls are Saturday. So next Thursday I might be writing from a different part of Germany.

On different news. Pday last week. What a crazy day. I'm sorry I didn't write any personal emails last week, I just didn't have the time. So here is the story: we cleaned our apartment and went shopping. I did a little emailing and sent off my group email. Then we met up with all of the Elders in our district to eat lunch in Köln at a restaurant called Vapianos. We all had a merry time eating pasta and pizza. The Elders then traveled to the church to play ping pong and do emailing , our response: we will catch up with you in a couple hours.
But first we want to go and buy African shirts. I wanted to get an African shirt in Frankfurt, but with my surprise transfer I didn't have a chance to buy one. There was just one small problem. I had no idea where the African shops in Köln were. So naturally, we call our new convert Ebenezer and ask him. He says he's not sure. But he will call his friend who knows where they all are. We were told to call him back in 10 minutes. Ten minutes later we had traveled to Köln Hauptbahnhof (central train station) and we call Ebenezer. Turns out he had forgotten he had no credit on his phone and couldn't call his friend. But then he says: yeah I'm in Hauptbahnhof! Perfect! So we meet up with him and let him use our phone to call his friend. No answer. So Ebenezer takes it upon himself to find us an African shop.
He takes us to an area where he thinks one was. Turns out it closed two months earlier. During this time Ebenezer suddenly stops outside a store and says: i should buy credit for my phone. After that we start heading to an area where he knows an African shop is. We have to take a couple separate trains to get there though. We changed trains in a place called Neumarkt and are about to get on a Bahn, but he suddenly
says: wait: I think there is a shop here in Neumarkt. So we wander for a couple of minutes and miss our train. Then we had no success and couldn't find the shop so start heading to catch the next train. It starts to pull up and we are ready to run for it, but then a lady comes up to me wanting directions. I can't NOT help a nice lady who is lost in a large city. So we stop and help her for a couple of minutes.
Totally missing our train. Then, FINALLY, we get ready to go and wait for the next train. And suddenly a man with his wife holding a baby and another little boy come running up to us asking for help.
Apparently the baby was having major problems and they needed help! So I quickly go to call an ambulance. Yeah. Couldn't remember German emergency numbers. The one I did remember wasn't the right one, and instead of transferring my call, the man on the phone just says: call this number. Grr. So I call the right number and try not to freak out as the mom freaks out because her poor baby stopped moving for a couple of seconds. Then the ambulance comes and turns out this family is from Egypt and it was there first day in Germany. They spoke almost no English and no German. But here's the kicker. Ebenezer has a friend who speaks Arabic! So he used his phone and called his friend to help with a little bit of translation while I tried to figure out what happened and help the paramedics know what happened. That ended up taking over an hour. It was also raining the whole time and somehow Sister Hannig and I both got our legs splattered with mud.
But long story short I know the lord put us there when we needed to help this family, and I know the Holy Ghost prompted Ebenezer to buy credit for his phone, and had him there with us so he could have his friend help with translation.

Then after the ambulance incident we only had about an hour of pday left, but Ebenezer was determined to get us African clothes. So we used the last hour to travel to the shop and buy African shirts that were made in Ghana.  The end!

Okay. Other things this week:
We started teaching a really cute but eccentric couple and they both agreed to be baptized!

Elder and sister Kirk from the office finished their missions, but were touring köln and came to our church on Sunday. So I was able to say goodbye!!

We taught a man who spoke only a little English. We used the picture book and used pictures to teach a simplified restoration lesson. We came across the picture of Peter drowning and he points at Peter and
says: "problem" hahahahha yes. That is a problem hahahah

Steffi had her baptismal interview and is set for her baptism on Saturday! She's so cute and so prepared. She also said she might be coming to Utah next year. Which means she will be visiting me while she's there!! Yay!

We went shopping with Schwester Hoen. The 94 year old in our ward.
(Her 95th birthday is next Sunday!)

The Nowaks lovingly took us out to a Chinese buffet for dinner because I might be leaving. The food was actually really similar to American Chinese buffets. It reminded me of my Dad hahahah. The only thing was they didn't have Fortune cookies.

Here is a spiritual thought if you want: (which you all naturally always want)  In my personal study I was reading in 1 Nephi 11:7 in it it says:  "...thou shalt also behold a man descending out of heaven, and him shall he witness; and after ye have witnessed him ye shall bear record that it is the Son of God." I think it's such a lesson to be learned, then when we witness Christ and feel the spirit in our lives, then we should also bear witness of it to others. Our testimonies and the testimonies of others grow as we share them, and who better to bear witness of than our Savior and Redeemer Jesus Christ! I encourage you all to "bear record" this week of the Son of God. :)

Love you all!! Have a fantastic week!
Sister Losee

1) pday with Ebenezer
2) African shirt!
3) Kirks!

4) Chocolate pizza at a members home!

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