Thursday, April 20, 2017

Always go to a Persian's hungry

It's a new week in Leverkusen! We had transfers and Sister Clifford and I will both be staying. This is Sister Clifford's last transfer on the mission. So we set some major goals and have been trying to enjoy Germany. One of these goals is one that I've really been needing. It's speaking only German from 9 am to 9 pm. It sounds pretty easy, but it's NOT. Hahahahaha but I know that this is how I can improve my German. So far we have been going strong ALL week. I can already tell the difference. It's easier for me to speak and last night half my dream was in German!!! That literally made my whole day! My first time really dreaming in German. German has been a real struggle for me but I'm so glad for the opportunity to learn it so that I can connect with, learn from, and teach the amazing German people.

We met a really nice Russian lady this week. I tried talking to her but she ignored us. But then I asked about her dog and she stopped because of my accent. She's not interested in the gospel but we were still able to have a great conversation and she told us about a couple  cool places we can try going to for a pday. I love simply getting to know people. :)

Yesterday was a very strange, crazy, but good day. I had MANY technical iPad problems and we had no time to try and figure it out because of appointments and that happened first thing in the morning.
Then we went to a members home for lunch. And I had my first rouladen in Germany. It was a very German very homemade meal. And it was delicious. But man oh man she fed us TONS of food. I was sooooo stuffed. Then we went on my very first ever member split and Sister Clifford went with a member to Bergisch Gladbach to teach two people and I went with another member to go have a Skype appointment with a Persian couple that wants to join the church and  previously were investigators. I had never met them, but we would be bringing along a new convert in our ward who is also Persian and knows them. Well we were late and we try our skype translator and she forgot about us and it was CRAZY because we finally got on with her but we were trying to figure out stuff about the couple not being able to get married but they can't get baptized until they're married but they know the church is true and it's just a very very hard situation. Then we REALLY had to go and split back together but the couple made us tons of food. And it's extremely rude not to eat it and so long story short I almost felt like throwing up because of ANOTHER giant meal and then Sister Clifford and I didn't make it home until 11:20. But it was good and they are literally the cutest couple.

Easter was good this week! We had dinner with a family and played some darts. We also brought along an investigator who had nowhere to be and he really appreciated it.

Other funny things from this week:
I spilled chocolate milk all over myself, my desk, and the floor one morning during studies.
We contacted someone that's a member of the church. That NEVER happens here.
We contacted a girl who had been a foreign exchange student in Idaho.
We thought we were teaching Sunday School so we prepared a lesson frantically the night before, turns out we were not.....
I told a member I use to play Viola so she brought out a very very old and miniature violin wanting me to tune it..... yeah.... no....

I hope you all have a fantastic week!!
Something to think about. I loved Easter and how we really have the time to simply think about Jesus Christ. There is this wonderful talk I encourage you all to read: And there shall be no more death (April

2016) and my short testimony. He lives!!!!!!!

Sister Losee

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