Monday, November 21, 2016

Covered in cake pops

Hello family and friends!!! How goes it in America???  Germany is doing really good!! Is everyone getting so excited for the holiday season!?
I know I am!! The Christmas markets are starting to be set up and lights are going up everywhere. Also! The Christmas video and initiative!! Superb this year! Everyone should watch it on Friday and then start sharing it with your friends! Just all about being more Christlike and reaching out to others.

This week was mission tour! It was a really cool experience. We learned about the Christmas initiative and how to be better missionaries. It was cool being around so many missionaries and just all working toward the same cause.

Had a really cool experience contacting this week! Sister Jenkins and I were with other sisters so we split up and I contacted with the other sisters. We were just going door to door and the next door the Person was leaving their house. So the other sisters wanted to just keep walking. But I thought. Umm. We should talk to everyone. And this person is outside! So I went and talked to him and he was interested and set up a return appointment!!! Except he speaks German. So I don't get to teach him. But you know!! Follow the spirit!!

This week our ward had possibly the best ward Party ever!!! It was AWESOME!! It was called international evening and everyone came dressed up in their traditional clothes and had tables that they decorated and had food from their countries!! It was delicious!! So much food!! And then the missionaries had a table too! It was so cool.
We had Book of Mormons in TONS of languages. Some awesome member missionary work was happening!!
Also sister Jenkins and I had the burden opportunity to make cake pops for the event. They were delicious and possible the most unhealthy thing I've ever made. It was an adventure!
(This is elder Jensen and I ate like 12 of the cake pops and I can give my testimony that they change lives, they were amazing and yeah:) I know this to be true:) )

Final comments: Janet. She is my favorite EVER! She is the sweetest investigator and is progressing so beautifully! She came to church yesterday and it was the primary program and she just laughed at the children and loved every moment of it.

Oh today we went to my first castle. It was closed though. So we just walked around. But it was still really fun.

Everyone have an amazing week and happy thanksgiving!!

Sister Losee

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