Thanksgiving week!!! I hope everyone felt really fat from
eating delicious foods and really grateful for friends and family and the
gospel!! This thanksgiving I was especially grateful for Christ and the spirit
that can be felt while talking about him. My thanksgiving this year was
awesome!!! We started off our day with an awesome district meeting talking
about Faith in Finding and just learning to be better and more diligent in our
Finding. Then we had Thanksgiving take one! Most of the senior missionaries in
the Frankfurt mission are in Frankfurt. So they had a giant Thanksgiving dinner
and invited all of the missionaries in Frankfurt and president and sister
Stoddard. So that was really good and fun. SEVEN TURKEYS!!! Holy cow. So much
I used REALLY good self control and didn't get seconds on
anything except pie, because I knew I had a second dinner to go to. We were
supposed to have a meeting with Alex in between but he canceled. It was really
Thanksgiving dinner take two!: so for our second
thanksgiving we were invited over to the Kearon's (as in Elder Kearon from the
70!!) we also got permission to bring an investigator!!!! How awesome is that!!
So we got picked up from the train station and went and
had thanksgiving dinner with the Kearons, the bishop and his wife, and a French
family whose name I only just learned how to say right. It was awesome!!! The
food was fantastic and the company was lots of fun! But then. Just wait. The
best part. Our message. So after eating, between dinner and dessert sister
Jenkins and I gave our customary thought. We wanted to plan it around the new
Christmas initiative and just about Christ and acting on Faith. (Aimed at our
investigator). IT WAS AWESOME!!! Everyone shared their favorite Christ stories and
conversion moments. The spirit was so beautiful. I feel like every Thanksgiving
dinner should be like that. Just feeling the love of the savior and the love
everyone has for him.
This week I also had the scary opportunity to take over
the area on splits. WE DIDN'T GET LOST!!! I'm very proud of that fact. I also
learned a lot from sister Jameson about being bold in contacting. It was a cool
This week was stake conference. It was really
omtwresssting because they have to translate for the English wards and also for
the German wards. Normally apparently they have translating equipment that you
wear. But they were having technical difficulties so they just had translators
on the stage. So one person would say about a sentence and then the translator
would translate it. It ,ade conference feel REALLY long. And it was really hard
to stay focused. Hahahaha Janet fell asleep
ear the end there. But I don't feel too bad because she was up late last
night on her thesis and she had to get up early to get a ride from a member
because the conference was in Darmstadt. We are just glad she could come.
Speaking of Janet. She is awesome! We taught the word of
wisdom and it went really well! She accepted it really easily. I love teaching
Janet! She makes me smile.
We had a lot of member appointments cancel this week
because of sickness. Everyone try and stay healthy!! Sickness is no fun!!
Everyone better have watched the Christmas initiative
video!! It is AMAZING!! Also if you want something to do. Read the talk that I
think is called the windows of heaven. It's about the blessings of tithing. I have been thinking about that one a lot and just wanted
to share.
Oh finding stories: I sat by this lady and used the
approach : hi I am new to Germany would you be willing to practice with me? And
it worked!! I had a really cool conversation with her and understood 90% of
it!!! I didn't convert her. But I may have just made her day better. I know it
made mine better. Talking to people on buses and bahns is really scary
sometimes, but once you start doing it each person is a little easier. And it's
so cool to meet people.
Not so positive finding stories: one lady I sat by on the
bus ( I was going to use the help me with my German approach) I said like three
words to her and she read my tag. Then said NO! I am NOT INTERESTED ! While throwing her hands up in the air. It made for a
very awkward bus ride.
Then I challenged a lady on the street to just help a
friend out or be nice to someone. But her response: I have my own problems. I
am only strong enough for myself.
So that was sad to see and hear.
Anywhoos. CHRISTMAS IS COMING!! I am so excited.
Elder Kearon & Family
This is us after our two Thanksgivings!