Monday, October 3, 2016

Getting lost is the best!


So I have arrived ! It is super weird!!! Traveling was super long and it was psychedelic coming in on a Tuesday when you had left Utah on a Monday morning. I lost eight hours of my life!!! Hahahaha but I will get them back when I return to Utah in 17 months or so.

I got to talk to my family so that was cool. Atlanta was crazy. The airport is so huge and we had to run across the whole airport so fast because of boarding times. It was crazy. Also I had no idea you had to take public transportation from the mtc to the airport. It was stressful. But good warm up for the mission field.

The last day in the MTC was super bittersweet. Saying goodbye to the Berlin missionaries was pretty sad.

So I guess everyone is wondering where I am if you don't know already.
But I got called to the Frankfurt International area! I am literally in Frankfurt and I'm serving in the international ward. Not gonna lie.
I was a little disappointed at first. It was kind of sad seeing everyone leave to different parts of the country on s bahns and trains while I just took a strasse bahns and bus ten minutes away to our apartment. Also. Since we are international. We are speaking English.
So that was disappointing at first. But my area is seriously awesome.
Also bonus point: Elder Cambell from my district is in my district too! He's the international Elder!!

My companion: Her name is Sister Jenkins, she literally just finished training and she is the best. She is so kind and we can just randomly laugh at stuff together. Also she just loves missionary work. So it makes the days so much more fun.

So more about my area and being international :

My first dinner appointment was a Portuguese family. So I got a Portuguese meal. And we will be getting a meal from Ghana this week and we work with people from all over the world. Europe is awesome.
Son,any people from so many different places all over and just so many people. It's crazy. Oh and I've only been able to meet a couple of the members because of general conference but they seem AWESOME! There are some people from Britain that have two sons out on missions and they seem awesome. There are also Australian and Philippine and Russian and African and a lady from Jamaica and its awesome.

While I haven't gotten any member made German food. I have gotten street food. I had curry wurst and döner and tons of pastries and a kinder egg and a sandwich and it's fantastic.

So we are super busy here and have tons of people to teach and talk to and work with. But the funny thing is is that I feel like I spend all my time just riding public transportation. We ride s bahns u bahns strasse bahns and I even got to ride a normal train. It's crazy. I'm trying to become so good at riding the public transport that I don't always almost fall over.

So I am lost. All the time. We are constantly bus and bahn hopping all the time. It amazes me how sister Jenkins knows how to get everywhere.
Also there is no better feeling than washing your hands after all that public transport. Basically Frankfurt to me is a cleaner more European New York. Except I haven't been to New York so you know.

Okay so Europe. There toilets and doorknobs are weird. Hahahaha I want to take a picture. Oh and their light switches. Um what more.
Cobblestone sidewalks EVERYWHERE it's awesome. Oh and everything is so cute. I don't see tons of the old old German stuff because I'm in the city but it's pretty cool. Plus I still get out enough because the international ward boundaries are huge!! Our area goes out of the zone!!! We are super cool.


So super cool miracle I had happen. Apparently there is a lady in the ward who hadn't been to church in a couple months. But no one could get a hold of her. Last week my comp and her old comp happened to catch her at a perfect time last week and set up an appointment for Saturday at 2:00. So we head over and it is pretty far out of town and we are running late and we get a to go sand which at a little stand because we hadn't eaten yet (too busy) and we were running late.
Sister Jenkins had been there s couple times before and was like: I know the way there. So we start walking and suddenly sister Jenkins says. I have no idea where we are. We try using an app on the iPad but it wasn't working. So we try backtracking  a little and ask someone for directions and by the time we walk up to her door it is 2:30. We ring the door and she's not home!!! So we try and call her and are just standing there for a minute or two to see what is happening. And then she walks up!! Turns out she had forgotten about us and had been at a party. We go inside and talk then we had a small though prepared but sister Jenkins suddenly changed it. It was just what she needed!
she ends up telling us everything that is going on and why she is questioning her faith and hasn't been to church and then agreed to work with us for the next six weeks to try and figure out what is wrong and how she can strengthen her faith. ITS AWESOME!!! Then as we headed back to the train station we took the way back we had originally took to get to her house and it worked!!! Heavenly Father really must have wanted us to be there.

Well. Everyone. I love you all!!! I'm happy!! Being a missionary is awesome!!! So much fantastic stuff. Don't worry my future emails won't be so long.

-Sister Losee

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