So just a heads up for future missionaries: While in the
MTC, befriend the general manager of the food court!!! He knows the secrets!!!
He spilled the beans to us on Sunday AND Tuesday who was going to be the
devotional speakers. It was awesome!!! Guess who spoke?????
TWO MORE APOSTLES!!! We got to listen to an apostle three
devotionals in a row. It was the BOMB!! Elder Ballard spoke on Sunday night and
Elder Cook spoke on Tuesday night. It was amazing. I loved Elder Ballard's so
much! He spoke about how not only when we serve and study Christ, do we get to
know him, but he gets to know us!! And he also said: If you don't have a strong
testimony, that's okay, ride off of mine till you get one. They just want us to
serve so much!!
Elder Cook talked about how when you're called on a mission
you are called to mission presidents. I thought that was super cool. I'd never
heard of that before. I really know that I was called to Frankfurt Germany for
a reason, and I know that with the help of my savior and an awesome attitude I
can do ANYTHING in Germany!! Lots of people say that the work is hard in
Germany and that I won't get baptisms, but I know that's a lie. There is work
everywhere. If I go in with the expectation to change the mission I WILL CHANGE
THE MISSION!!!! One thing I've learned here is that everyone needs and should
know who Christ is and that they are not alone!!
Then we heard from another general authority on Thursday!!
We have a teacher in training (and he's from Germany) but apparently his Dad is
a 70!! And he came to our class specifically and talked to us!! It was super
intimidating but also super cool. He said that no matter how much you can say
in a lesson at the beginning, as long as you are pointing them toward the
gospel and christ, then you are fully participating. It was superb. So
basically I got to here from four general authorities in over a week.
It's getting real everybody!!! I am so beyond excited!!! We
will be traveling for about a day, but we leave next Monday morning and will
arrive in Germany Tuesday morning (Tuesday night in German time) THIS IS SO
Thank you everyone for all of your support!! It's so
exciting to serve the Lord and I love hearing from you. Please send me photos,
I love getting photos.
Sister Losee (Bonnie)
P.S. In a little over a week you can all sing my bonnie lies
over the ocean and have it literally be true!!
P.P.S Today exactly I've been gone a month! Woah
Me with travel plans, also me just being tired and sitting
in the classroom.
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