Monday, September 26, 2016


Farewells are so bitter sweet. It has been an interesting week of many emotions! You don't realize until the end, but when you are with the same people practically all day everyday for six weeks, it's really sad to see them go. I'm starting to wish I didn't become friends with any of the Berlin missionaries!! It's pretty sad to see them go! But happy too because we are all going out to serve the Lord. 

What happened this week....... 

Elder Clayton spoke to us on Tuesday: That was pretty cool! 

We had in field orientation, it was okay, pretty boring, but ya know, things you need to know. 

We played volleyball a ton this week as a zone. It's always super fun! 

Oh: German funny for the week: In one of our lessons our teacher talked to us afterwards and apparently we said: Jesus dusts for us, instead of Jesus died for us!!! So that's pretty funny!

Oh I organized a kickball game and it was fantastic!!!! Although one of the Armenian elders kicked the ball and it went straight towards me at a million miles an hour and it hurt so BAD! I almost cried, but I didn't because I'm stronger than that, and also I have a reputation now that I have to uphold because I did ROTC.  I can do the most push ups and pull ups out of all the sisters. So that's a plus. 

Oooh some of our "investigators" are getting baptized today!!! It was super sad to be done and say goodbye to our "investigators" here.  I can only imagine the love we'll feel for investigators we will find out in the field. 


Look at this flag, isn't it a nice flag? Going once, going twice, SOLD

Sure am gonna miss Sister Thompson (who is sadly going to Berlin)
Look at this fantastic bunch of people!!! 

Sister Mucke basically the best teacher on the whole planet!!

​HERE I COME ON MONDAY GERMANY!!! I am soooo excited !!! Also damage control, I will actually be arriving in Germany on Tuesday morning, not tuesday night, I just struggle with reading flight plans hahahahaahaha


Sister Losee

Monday, September 19, 2016

Know Who Your Friends Are!

So just a heads up for future missionaries: While in the MTC, befriend the general manager of the food court!!! He knows the secrets!!! He spilled the beans to us on Sunday AND Tuesday who was going to be the devotional speakers. It was awesome!!! Guess who spoke????? 

TWO MORE APOSTLES!!! We got to listen to an apostle three devotionals in a row. It was the BOMB!! Elder Ballard spoke on Sunday night and Elder Cook spoke on Tuesday night. It was amazing. I loved Elder Ballard's so much! He spoke about how not only when we serve and study Christ, do we get to know him, but he gets to know us!! And he also said: If you don't have a strong testimony, that's okay, ride off of mine till you get one. They just want us to serve so much!!

Elder Cook talked about how when you're called on a mission you are called to mission presidents. I thought that was super cool. I'd never heard of that before. I really know that I was called to Frankfurt Germany for a reason, and I know that with the help of my savior and an awesome attitude I can do ANYTHING in Germany!! Lots of people say that the work is hard in Germany and that I won't get baptisms, but I know that's a lie. There is work everywhere. If I go in with the expectation to change the mission I WILL CHANGE THE MISSION!!!! One thing I've learned here is that everyone needs and should know who Christ is and that they are not alone!!

Then we heard from another general authority on Thursday!! We have a teacher in training (and he's from Germany) but apparently his Dad is a 70!! And he came to our class specifically and talked to us!! It was super intimidating but also super cool. He said that no matter how much you can say in a lesson at the beginning, as long as you are pointing them toward the gospel and christ, then you are fully participating. It was superb. So basically I got to here from four general authorities in over a week. 

It's getting real everybody!!! I am so beyond excited!!! We will be traveling for about a day, but we leave next Monday morning and will arrive in Germany Tuesday morning (Tuesday night in German time) THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!

Thank you everyone for all of your support!! It's so exciting to serve the Lord and I love hearing from you. Please send me photos, I love getting photos.

Sister Losee (Bonnie)
P.S. In a little over a week you can all sing my bonnie lies over the ocean and have it literally be true!!
P.P.S Today exactly I've been gone a month! Woah
Me with travel plans, also me just being tired and sitting in the classroom. 

You can see the new Georgian sister next to me in the group photo. I love all of the sisters. I'm sad that most of them are going to Berlin and we will part ways next monday!

Monday, September 12, 2016


We got Chic FilA this week!! That was super exciting!!! I ate two chicken sandwiches because I was so excited!! Monday nights are take out foods, Friday nights are pizza night, and Thursday mornings are yummy sausage wrapped in pancake sticks. Those things are delicious hahahah I don't know why I like them so much.

So nothing too new this week. Oh exciting happened! We show up for Choir practise for Tuesday Night devotional and they started acting like something super awesome was going to happen. It turns out Elder D. Todd Christopherson came on Tuesday and the devotional was broadcast to all the MTCs across the world. Also, while singing, apparently I made it on the big screen. (Now I'm wishing I had looked better that day hahahaha)

Our Investigators are doing super well! Yesterday Sister Racca and I got Marie to commit to baptism!!! She basically asked us and it was the best thing ever!!!!!!!! 

Honestly I don't have too much to say today. Time is moving a ton faster and I feel like I just barely had pday. It's the weirdest feeling. Oh I do have somethign!!! The Armenians finally arrived!! They're in our zone so we just got about 10 new people!! One of them is someone who went to Bountiful High School so that's super exciting!!!

Thank you everyone for the love and prayers!! Talk to you later!!!!

-Sister Losee

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Okay so crazy week here at the MTC. First of all this is how I feel: The MTC is almost like an alternate universe it feels like. I feel like there is no outside world. The trees encompass the whole campus and it is just a freaky feeling of being separated from the world. 

So crazy story. On Wednesday night we were all getting ready for bed in our residence and then Sister Thompson went to leave the room and there was a security guard and a guy with a big net walking down the hall and they said: "stay inside" so of course we DON'T stay inside and go out trying to figure out what's going on and getting excited about an adventure.... so then it turns out there was a BAT loose in the residence hahahahha and the guy with the net was trying to find it.... then I accidentally got us all locked out of our room because I wasn't thinking and it was just super funny. Then on Thursday they had an emergency meeting for all of the Sisters at the MTC (we were in PE time so didn't hear the announcement until it was too late) Turns out the bat situation is a bad problem and they were emergency moving us out of our residence!!! We had an hour to pack up our bags and then we had to move out to the farthest back corner of campus to an old Elder's Residence!! (oh and some sisters who were just about to leave this week to Japan or something have to stay an extra week to get Rabies shots just in case hahahahaha) OH AND I ACTUALLY SAW A BAT!!! It was de bomb. 

But ps, the residence we live in is totally meant for Elders and not sisters and it is pretty rough to get use to, but we can do it.)

Meanwhile Sister Racca and I still had to teach an investigator and have dinner and go to class. So we recruited the help of Elders to move our luggage across campus (because our new residence doesn't have stairs) and this didn't happen until 9:00 at night. It was a crazy crazy night.

but it was super funny because when we were telling our teacher Brother Barr about how we have to move and we described the guy with the net he said: Like pokemon? and started pretending to throw poke-balls. It was the funniest.

Oh and super funny thing that goes on in our Branch. So Elder Folau in my district is a very outgoing rambuctious Elder. So we have a computer program that we use to help teach us German words and phrases to use in the lessons. the person who says the words for you sometimes says the word super weird, this one word: Die Wahreit (dee varheight which means the truth) is said almost like a yell and it's super funny. So Elder Folau started going around yelling Die Wahreit and it spread to our whole district and somehow spread to the whole zone. So now whenever someone yells out DIE WAHREIT! Everyone else HAS to yell it back. It's hilarious!!! 

I'm almost HALF WAY DONE with the MTC!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting super excited to get out to the field. Even though my German still isn't the best hahaha.


-Sister Losee

Okay I forgot some stuff and needed to add it on!!!! So first of all SHOUT OUT TO MY BROTHER CODY!!! Happy Birthday CODY!!!!! He's my favorite brother ever!!!!

Second My companion is finally getting the language and lessons are going SO MUCH BETTER we are also totally learning better how to teach by the spirit and less by a plan.

Also AWKWARD STORY!!! So last Sunday I was wearing a pretty cute outfit (really wish I had a picture) but during dinner I get up to go get some ice cream with one of the other sisters and she says: Hey sister losee you have a little mark on the back of your skirt. So I say: That's okay i'll check it out when we sit down. So then half our Zone is all sitting around each other and then I mention how I might have something on my skirt. So sister Racca has to see, well I stand up and turn around and she FLIPS OUT! And then that gets the attention of everyone and then now everyone wants to see, I WANT TO SEE and I stand up and I SAT ON A PIECE OF A CHOCOALTE CHIP COOKIE!!!! So some chocolate chips totally melted on my skirt and then had been smeared and it looked like it was something other than chocolate. I turned BRIGHT red and everyone started freaking out, so now the WHOLE side of the cafeteria we're on are trying to see what's happening. Someone pulled out a camera and I yelled at them hahaha and then I booked it out of that cafeteria SO FAST!!! (while everyone watched me) I about died. Just thought I would let everyone know that I am still the same old awkward person hahahaha.