Thursday, December 21, 2017

IT‘S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!!!!!! So as a present to my Mom, I will write a long email. Please. You were warned.

Here are the adventures/craziness from this week!

  1. WhatsApp. Okay so WhatsApp is a messaging and calling app that everybody uses in Europe because it is free when on WiFi. Well, with the advancements of Smartphones we also got this App, which has been super good to get in contact with people that don’t have phone credit. But...... it has also been really bad problem.... hahahahaha. Every day we get at least one creepy message from a strange man. The first one we got simply said hi, and then sent a picture of my name tag from when he had talked to me on the bus, another said he wanted a partner and then send an emoji of a person dancing, another said he loved us. And we just have to ignore lots of people hahaha. 
  2. We had the last split of the transfer, and the second to last day of the transfer. Hahahah it was a little rough squeezing nine splits in five weeks. But we did it! This last split was really fun. Sister Lopez is from Mexico and seriously one of the most humble and loving Sisters I served with. She literally just wants to serve other people. We taught one of our investigators together who had disappeared for a couple of months but finally returned!
  3. Our investigator who disappeared, she had been on vacation in her home country of Bulgaria,and the reason she extended her trip so long, was because she got baptized.... BUT NOT IN OUR CHURCH! I had never had that situation before.....
  4. We taught our cute new family investigators twice this week, and the father (Ibrahim) came to church with two of the children. They loved it! Apparently they told Ibrahim they wanted to go to church every day hahaha. But basically I love this family with my whole heart. Their children are just adorable and so loving, the one son is in a wheelchair because of something wrong with his legs, but he is just so happy! When we went there last night, they buzzed us into the apartment building, and you just hear the four year old yell “LUCY!!” (Aka Losee) Then the other boy runs and hugs Sister Schellenberg, and then after the appointment, as we are walking away, we get a text message from them saying that if we need help they want to be the first ones to help. Also. Can we just also remember when last week he said he didn’t know if he thought Joseph Smith was a prophet and needed some time, but this week, after reading in the Book of Mormon says: “I believe. It makes sense. God always calls prophets. Why would he have them back then, but not today.” Basically this family is such a happy miracle. 
  5. Our Family home evening game night this week. Oh boy. So much craziness and laughter and weirdness. So this week we actually had people show up. Ali and then our other investigator Aksel, but.... Aksel also brought his strange friend Nikko.... Ali was a rockstar and bore testimony of the Book of Mormon and helped to answer Aksel and Nikkos questions. Nikko though didn’t believe anything about the Book of Mormon because he read only the title page and half of the title page and said it only talks about America and that since it wasn’t from Greece (his home land) he couldn’t believe in it. Then we moved on to playing games. We tried to teach them the game signs. It proved to be waaay to complicated for Nikko hahahahha. I also think it was a struggle because we are trying to explain a semi complicated game in a language, which nobody in the room speaks natively. Then at the end of the game night, the Elders and Ali missed the bus that would get the Elders home on time, so, they took their only option. Riding in Aksels car with Nikko. Elder Folau described it like this: An Arab, a Bulgarian, a Greek, and two Americans get in a car.....hahahahah Ali described it: It was like a Horror film. 
  6. Last point. Pday last week!! We had the joy of adventuring the Christmas Markets in Köln with Sister Nowak. It was so fun just to spend several hours walking around just the three of us. Sister Nowak bought us waffles in the shape of the Cathedral in Köln and we drank delicious punch and ate unhealthy candies. It was way fun. 

Well. I hope everyone has an amazing Christmas time and really remembers the reason to the season. This week we were last minute asked to give the lesson in Relief Society. It was the perfect lesson. The atonement of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ really is our Savior and Redeemer and true joy and peace can only be found through him. I love you all!

Sister Losee

Monday, December 18, 2017

How much can I pay to get extra sleep? #2

Hello family and friends! This will be a shorter email because I don’t have a lot of time. But it was a really good week. 

Ward Christmas party: a new family we started teaching brought their whole family it was the best! We also sang Rudolph the red nosed reindeer as missionaries and made a fool of ourselves by bellowing ho ho ho a little too manly and loud. 

IT SNOWED!! And a lot!!! On Monday there was so much snow and problems that the buses didn’t come to where we live, and we had to walk for 50 minutes through snow to get to a station for a Straßenbahn. We then had a split and barely made it to our appointment because of traffic and everything. 

Zone Conference. We had an awesome zone conference and the spirit there is just always my favorite part. Sister Schellenberg and I gave a lecture thing about addiction recovery and repentance. It was so cool to see how in each break out session we talked about such different stories and ideas. 

On Sunday I had what I think was a migraine in the middle of the night, and my sweet companion let me wake her up at 3 in the morning because when you are in so much pain you just need somebody. So church was a little rough that morning, but we made it!!! 

I successfully solved my first Rubik’s cube all by myself!! 

Pday last week was good too! We visited a Christmas market in Essen and then just came home and laid down while listening to Christmas music because we were both just so tired. 

We also had two more fun splits. I was with Sister Randall and Sister Baker. We were able to find tons of potentials and getting to know sisters is just seriously the best. 

I hope you all have a wonderful week and eat lots of Christmas chocolate!! 

Sister Losee


How much can I pay to get extra sleep?

It’s really cold again!

Winter is coming! Nooooooooooo

Hi family and friends! Last week was great :) we had lots of cool miracles and really fun splits. 
Last week for pday we adventures the Duisburg Christmas market and ate delicious foods and got our names written on rice for free! We also watched Johnny Lingo and laid on the ground of the church for awhile. You just get so tired sometimes hahahah. 

Then we had two splits. First I was with Sister Estes. She’s great. So hilarious and has no fear while talking to people. We also had one of the coolest contacts of my life. We talked to two men from India who I think were Muslim. We started to talk to them about Jesus Christ and the spirit was just there. And so strong too! The one man then said “I think that it’s so cool what you are all doing. And I feel like there’s something special when I talk to you. I just feel this warm peace or something. You know. Just something you can’t quite explain.” That the first time I have had someone on the street recognize and say out loud that he was feeling the spirit. We then explained how he could have that with him always and we exchanged contact information. We should hopefully be able to meet with him soon! 

I also got to split with Sister Fried. This was our second split together and we had a lot of fun teaching and contacting together. We taught Jennifer and Chao and they are both just great. We started to teach Chao about the life of Christ using the pictures in the gospel arts book. It is so fun texting someone about his life and really letting them know what Jesus Christ did for them. We also began to teach Jennifer about the Plan of Salvation and I have just such a love and appreciation for God’s plan and I especially love to testify about it on the streets contacting. 

Oh and let us not forget Saturday night! We took Ali with us to a members home for dinner and a lesson. We decided to really focus on Jesus Christ and really didn’t out where his testimony is. We read a scripture about Jesus Christ being the ultimate sacrifice, then we watched the Bible Video of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. We asked him what he had learned about Jesus Christ from the video and then asked him how he has noticed that he has grown closer to Christ. He then bore just the most beautiful testimony of how he has grown closer to Christ and how he has the desire to learn more, to change, to simply be better. It was a huge proud mama moment! 

I also talked to a man on Sunday night after tons of rejection, and he was willing to meet! He is from China and doesn’t really know much about God. We had our first lesson on Wednesday and he just had soo many questions and he is just sooo excited to learn! I love teaching so much! 

This week we also have started a ysa family home evening night because we want to get more involved with the young single adults and make more activities and events that we can bring investigators to. Ali and one other person were the only ones that showed up. but we are hoping as time goes on more people will be willing to come. Hahaha 

Well. I think that is most of my week. I can’t remember anything else too specific right now. But have a great week and don’t forget to watch the Light the World video and do the advent calendar to serve others and light the world in 25 ways over 25 days!!! 

Sister Losee