Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Old Cigarettes

What a way way fast week. Time is just starting to go by really fast here in Duisburg!! We are already almost halfway done with the transfer!! A lot of cool stuff is going on and happened this week.

The first really cool thing is our new investigators Adam and Huchang Bin. They are from China and don't really speak very much English.
That makes it hard, but so so worth it! We taught them on Friday and Wednesday, it is wayyyy cool. Adam had never even heard about Jesus Christ before and Huchang bin has just started learning. We started to teach them about who Jesus Christ is and about prayer. We gave them Alma 7:11-13 to read and afterwards we talked about how when we pray Jesus can help our pains to go away and bad feelings to leave us. Adam said: Is that why I have never gotten rid of these feelings? So when I pray that's how they go away? It was way cool. Huchang Bin said during the middle of our lesson. I believe!! I am way excited to continue teaching them!!

This week we also have continued to work with an investigator named Elizabeth. She is literally the most prepared person I have ever met!!
She LOVES the Book of Mormon and on Sunday the lesson in our class was on Fasting and Fast offerings. At the end of class she asked for a tithing slip and literally paid everything that she had in her bag because she wanted to give. She also smokes and has been trying to stop. She just keeps saying: I know that with Gods power I can do it!!
She is such a testimony builder for me!!

Last week for our pday we went to a palace/castle and we took our investigator Ali with. It was really fun. And I must say. Ali is probably one of the funniest people I have ever met. He is 19 years old and just loves to hang out with the missionaries. At the end of pday we were going to go dooring with the Elders and Ali wanted to come along, to our surprise a lady actually let us in and we told her a little about the Book of Mormon. Ali totally piped in and shared his testimony of prophets in the Book of mormon. The Elders also got invited into a couple doors and we had a great time.

We also went on a couple of splits this week and it is really fun to get to know the other sisters and learn from other missionaries. We also had interviews on Tuesday and I just know that President Boyer is the person meant to lead the Germany Frankfurt Missionary right now.
He is just so ready to work but also to love.

Oh awkward moment for the week: We were waiting at a train stop with one of the Düsseldorf sisters investigators and I told her about how I have seen homeless/poor people reuse discarded and used cigarettes on the ground. Her response? "I use to do that!" She then proceeded to tell me how to properly do it and how to make sure it is sterilized before using it..... I felt very awkward hahahahahha......

But I am doing really well, I hope everyone has had a great week! I do have to say though.... it is starting to get cold.... NEIN!!!!!

Sister Losee

The Rainbow

Guten Morgen!!! (Well, from my side of the world) Hey everyone!! I hope you all had a great week! It was a pretty great week in Duisburg! Not going to lie, it was really weird going to church in a new ward, but good too! This ward is so much younger than the ward in Köln. We had a relief society activity on Tuesday and I felt almost like I was with my aunts and family. It was just so lively and chatty.

The young adults in the ward also had a spiel Abend (game night) and we had two investigators come. We shared a spiritual thought and invited everyone to share their favorite Book of Mormon scripture.
What do you know?! Both of our investigators shared theirs as well! It was so cool.

We also went on a split this week and literally all of the appointments fell out. But we did lots of finding and targeted people in the color red because this transfer every week we are trying to have finding challenges. This week was the rainbow. So everyday is a new color. So Monday we had a TON of finding success and we were going to celebrate by using some of our dinner hour to get some ice cream from an Eis cafe. Well. Two guys walk by both wearing red shirts and talking in English right in front of the cafe. Of course we can't not talk to them!! However. Bad idea. Really bad idea. They both liked us and wanted us to drink with them and kept wanting us to give them our facebooks and stuff for when we got home. We of course said no and eventually got away. But sadly the Eis cafe closed in that time and the one man tried to hug sister harmon and I got my hand kissed by a polish man. The lord blessed us after though because that delay put us in the path of two more people who were willing to meet with us!

We also had MLC this week and I got to finally see Sister Jenkins again!!! We also got to talk more about the mission and how we can have high expectations but also high love. We also had to travel a very long time both ways. But don't worry. We ate happy meals while changing trains in Köln that evening.

Umm. I can't really remember what else happened this week. It went by so fast. But I hope you all had a wonderful week too!!

Oh yeah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER CODY!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday on the 2nd :) 
Sister Losee