This week went by fast!! It's crazy how fast time flies
Started off the week good with a miracle on Tuesday. So
we were planning for the day and sister weeks said: we should visit Gladys. I
don't know why but her name keeps popping up in my head. Now Gladys owns an
Afro shop and is pretty interesting. But we decided. Hey.
Let's go. So we show up and Gladys immediately says:
"I haven't read the chapter yet. I haven't done it yet. I'm just being
honest." Which means that she doesn't really want a lesson right now. BUT
she had a friend that just happened to be visiting and he WAS interested in
hearing a little more about what we believe. We gave him a Book of Mormon and
exchanged phone numbers!! Miracle one of the week!
Then we had splits. Splits are good but can be annoying
because you have to pack and carry around your stuff all day. But I went with
the STLs to their area and got to go and try to visit one of their recent
converts. Sadly she wasn't there. But her neighbor was and invited us into her
tiny tiny apartment for a minute why we waited for our train.
Well. She doesn't speak any german. Or English. So we
awkwardly sat in silence while she fed us grapes sunflower seeds and coke. Good
times good times.
Thursday was unexpectedly awesome! We were soooo excited
for Thursday because we had our whole day planned with lessons (as stuffed as
they can be when you have to account for extra travel time because yeah. No
buses still). Well. Everything fell out except the first appointment.
So you know what that means. FINDING! It was awesome. We
had some really cool conversations and met with this one lady in a wheelchair
at her apartment that took a Book of Mormon. Also. I saw this one man while we
were basically running trying not to be late to our Appointment and I thought:
I need to talk to this man. We did and he ended up wanting to find someone to
tell him about the Book of Mormon!!! Yay!!!
Friday was another day where we had it completely planned
out one way and then completely changed it because of some people that popped
in our minds that morning. It was awesome!!! Gotta love the spirit and being
Saturday. Oh man. The funniest thing. We dropped by on a
potential and set up an appointment with them. So that's awesome. But we had
Finding time. So here we are going around klingling buildings. Yup. We totally
Klingled into a Pizzeria without noticing. What's funny though is that they let
us in!! So HEY I got into a building this week!!! Yay!
Also, most scary thing of my life. Sister weeks and I
just casually arrive to church 30 minutes early like Usual. And then one of the
members of the bishopric comes up to me and says they need my help. I say yes!
What do you need!?! Apparently they needed someone to give a last minute
talk.... yup.... that happened. Gave a talk with twenty minutes of mental
prepping. Surprisingly turned out well!!!! But hoping I don't ever have to do
that again. That's all.
I'm doing fantastic! Just excited to be busy and working
hard to find people to teach about the gospel. I hope you all have a wonderful
week and are staying warm in this ridiculous January weather.
With lots of love,
Sister Losee