Thursday, January 26, 2017

EXTRA EXTRA! Read All About It! The Fastest Recorded Week in History!

This week went by fast!! It's crazy how fast time flies sometimes.
Started off the week good with a miracle on Tuesday. So we were planning for the day and sister weeks said: we should visit Gladys. I don't know why but her name keeps popping up in my head. Now Gladys owns an Afro shop and is pretty interesting. But we decided. Hey.
Let's go. So we show up and Gladys immediately says: "I haven't read the chapter yet. I haven't done it yet. I'm just being honest." Which means that she doesn't really want a lesson right now. BUT she had a friend that just happened to be visiting and he WAS interested in hearing a little more about what we believe. We gave him a Book of Mormon and exchanged phone numbers!! Miracle one of the week!

Then we had splits. Splits are good but can be annoying because you have to pack and carry around your stuff all day. But I went with the STLs to their area and got to go and try to visit one of their recent converts. Sadly she wasn't there. But her neighbor was and invited us into her tiny tiny apartment for a minute why we waited for our train.
Well. She doesn't speak any german. Or English. So we awkwardly sat in silence while she fed us grapes sunflower seeds and coke. Good times good times.

Thursday was unexpectedly awesome! We were soooo excited for Thursday because we had our whole day planned with lessons (as stuffed as they can be when you have to account for extra travel time because yeah. No buses still). Well. Everything fell out except the first appointment.
So you know what that means. FINDING! It was awesome. We had some really cool conversations and met with this one lady in a wheelchair at her apartment that took a Book of Mormon. Also. I saw this one man while we were basically running trying not to be late to our Appointment and I thought: I need to talk to this man. We did and he ended up wanting to find someone to tell him about the Book of Mormon!!! Yay!!!

Friday was another day where we had it completely planned out one way and then completely changed it because of some people that popped in our minds that morning. It was awesome!!! Gotta love the spirit and being busy.

Saturday. Oh man. The funniest thing. We dropped by on a potential and set up an appointment with them. So that's awesome. But we had Finding time. So here we are going around klingling buildings. Yup. We totally Klingled into a Pizzeria without noticing. What's funny though is that they let us in!! So HEY I got into a building this week!!! Yay!

Also, most scary thing of my life. Sister weeks and I just casually arrive to church 30 minutes early like Usual. And then one of the members of the bishopric comes up to me and says they need my help. I say yes! What do you need!?! Apparently they needed someone to give a last minute talk.... yup.... that happened. Gave a talk with twenty minutes of mental prepping. Surprisingly turned out well!!!! But hoping I don't ever have to do that again. That's all.

I'm doing fantastic! Just excited to be busy and working hard to find people to teach about the gospel. I hope you all have a wonderful week and are staying warm in this ridiculous January weather.

With lots of love,
Sister Losee

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Apparently strikes are actual things.

It's true. It happens. People think they can go on strike. What is this? A free country!? Yup. So this week the buses decided to go on strike and made our lives a lot more complicated. At the start. It was funny. I thought it was hilarious. But by the end of the week. It got old. Real old. The struggle is real when you can't take buses everywhere.

This week I got cornbread!!!! It was fantastic!!! One of the senior missionaries gave me two boxes of jiffy cornbread mix! My favorite!!!
So on Tuesday we were finding and as incentive to keep going and. Or give up I told myself that I couldn't make cornbread unless we got a potential. So we were having no success.  But we kept trying and we tried contacting this one man that had been standing in the same place for a long time. Well. It turns out he was deaf. So we were attempting to communicate with him and it was very interesting. When suddenly another man comes up and contacts US and he says he has a question for us, but he ends up just telling us lots of crazy untrue things about our church for about 10 minutes straight. Then his friend walks up.
Who knows no German and only a little English (from Greece) and he says. I want to learn more. I want a meeting. It was CRAZY!!! So we got his number and went home to eat chili and cornbread. We deserved it. So fast forward to Saturday. We were waiting for the Greek potential to show up and it turns out he didn't want to learn about the church. So that was sad.  But we did learn how to say Saturday in Greek. Positives.

We have a new investigator who is Muslim. It's really interesting. She is so cute and fun but we don't know how interested she really is in the church. She started reading the Book of Mormon which is super cool. But she loves the Koran and wants us to read it.... which isn't good because right now she is just comparing the books. But she is super cool and I have faith that the spirit will touch her.

This week we had zone training.  And before zone training we had interviews with President Stoddard. Turns out he was doing them all in GERMAN!! It was scary. But I did it!! He also had me do a role play and he pretended to be someone on the street. It was terrifying but also really good.

So this month our mission is focusing on the Book of Mormon. It's amazing!!! It's such a fantastic tool in our lives to feel the spirit and receive revelation. This week I started to read the Book of Mormon in German before Easter (which takes forever because.... German) but it's amazing!! I challenge you all to try and read the book or Mormon before Easter with me!!! 90 days approximately. LETS GO!! I know that the Book of Mormon truly gives peace and knowledge.

I have you all love!!! PS don't forget my birthday is coming up February 3rd🎂🎈🎊🎉🚂

Sister Losee

 This man was hilarious. He told me jokes and his dogs were HUGE!! He also has 21 other dogs

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

It's cold outside

Hello and Happy New Year to All!! It's been another normal week in Frankfurt!! Which actually means nothing normal happened! We had a lot of cool experiences this week and I have definitely felt Heavenly Father's help. A goal that we set as a companionship was to work harder and make sure that we are really trying to have and follow the spirit in everything we are doing.  On Saturday night we were just going to go home and work on transferring the Area Book, but I decided to pray and felt like we shouldn't get off the bus and keep going. We then felt like we should go to a certain bahn stop. We got on the bahn and ended up both contacting really cool people! Sister Weeks got a potential and I was able to talk to and become friends with this wonderful woman from Turkey. It turns out we had completely passed the bahn station because of our conversations, but I feel like we were just supposed to go in that direction to help us meet those people. 

We had another street display this week, it was hard, because it was FREEZING cold. Sometimes it's really hard to get motivated when it is freezing. Sister Weeks and I had set a potential goal though and we wanted to make it, and we wanted to show the Lord how hard we wanted to work. So we did it, we got out there and started trying really hard to be good and contacting and talking to everyone. No one was having it. It was a rough start so many people just didn't want to stop or talk to us. But we kept working and we DID IT! We reached our goal, and we took a hot chocolate break hahahaha. But it was good, oh and be proud!! The Zone Leaders left for a hot chocolate break and they came over and told me I was in charge and to be an example to the other missionaries. I say: SUCCESS! 

This week I learned more about the Muslim religion then I thought I ever would. We got a new investigator and she is Muslim, we had our first lesson with her in a burger restaurant and talked about what we believe and about the Book of Mormon, and she told us what she believed. It was interesting. We will see if anything happens with her, but we can hope and pray. She said she would read the Book of Mormon. Then we got an investigator that the Elders passed on to us, and we show up and her husband is there too, and he is avid Muslim. He spent the whole time telling us all about how what we believe is wrong and then they force fed us dinner and made us an hour late to our actual dinner appointment.... I felt really fat that night..... missionary powers.... pounding down two dinners in a row, 

Oh, I also misunderstood someone this week, and apparently they asked me if I wanted whiskey, I thought they said, oh so you don't drink whiskey. So I said: Yes and they all about died and thought it was hilarious, Sister Weeks was just very confused.  

Anywhoo. I'm doing good. Just keep putting along giving out those Books and battling the cold that January has brought in. Thank you for all of your prayers and I hope you all are having a great new year jumping back into life after the holidays. 

Love, Sister Losee 

Oh I almost forgot!!! A bahn died and temporarily ran out of electricity and we got stuck underground for a couple minutes. It was awesome!!! Selfie included from that excursion.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Wait am I in Germany or Ghana?

This week was crazy. Basically Frankfurt life is crazy.
We started off our week at a less actives home with the zone leaders for dinner (because it was the 26th and still holiday we could have more than one set of missionaries there). Jammed out to MOTAB and gospel music while eating Ghanaian food. On Tuesday we met a man who acted like he hated us and just kept muttering about us aloud to the whole bus. Just to turn around and ask us questions. So random. He then thought we were Amish. Glad I cleared up with him that Mormons do indeed have television and electricity. On Wednesday a funny man on vacation walked up to us and gave sister weeks his phone number. He Wanted to hang out hahahahahaha and I "could come along".  Also turns out he thought Mormons were Amish too!!! He thought we didn't have electricity and drove horses and buggies instead of cars! Two days in a row!!

Oh boy oh boy. This week was a week of public transport catastrophes!!! We missed sooo many different bahns!!! On Wednesday night we were heading out to a dinner appointment in Bad Homburg and we were on a really tight schedule. Anywhoo. I read the bahn wrong or something because I could have sworn we were running onto the U2.
Nope. Didn't realize until too late we were on the U8. How do you read 2 out of an 8?!?!? Then we had to totally backtrack around and then we missed a bus and were late to our dinner appointment hahahaha.

We had another street display this week!!! It was AMAZING!!! I decided I was going to put my all into it and I did!!! I tried to talk to everyone and I found THREE potentials and gave out several Copies of the Book of Mormon. Sometimes it's frustrating being at street displays because all of the other missionaries aren't always doing very good at contacting and spend most of the time talking. But I've found when I am doing my best I don't feel as cold, the time goes by faster, and I am happier afterwards.  So it was a great display!

Also this week we helped someone move with the help of the Elders.
Afterwards she said she would buy us pizza. There were five of us and she bought one tiny pizza. It was hilarious because we all got one tiny slice and then secretly went and ate more food after. But we then made tons of jokes about how we are on pizza missionaries (like from Jonny lingo and the 8 cow woman).

Now New Years Eve. That day. Holy cow that day. So Friday night the zone leaders called us informing us that they had made an appointment with a potential for Saturday for us!!! I was SO EXCITED!! New investigator!! So they text us the address and Saturday morning we go to the church to use the wifi to look up transportation and directions. We then proceed to miss two bahns. Which then made us miss a bus in Offenbach that only drives every thirty minutes. So then we are stuck at a random bus stop out in Offenbach for 25 minutes in the cold. Also. SNOW!! I saw snow for the first time this year!! Then we walk to the address. She's not there. Turns out it was the WRONG address. So then we were lost in Offenbach and an hour away from our appointment by walking.  So we back track and I try to get us to the appointment without having wifi to look up directions. We did eventually make it two bahns and a Straßenbahn later. Arriving to the appointment two hours late!! But her name is Rebekah and she is awesome!!! So we taught the first lesson and committed her to read the Book of Mormon and pray about Joseph Smith. Well then she says. Hey stay for dinner I have a chicken and it's New Year's Eve. We tried to say no we gotta go and we were supposed to be indoors by 6 o clock.
Well she started to get super offended. So what do you do? Stay to eat. We then proceeded to watch her literally hack a chicken and nearly cut off her hand several times. Then she made some more Ghanaian food(oh yeah she is from Ghana). Man. It was some interesting chicken..... we are pretty sure sister weeks ended up eating the neck.
Then we finally made it indoors at 7 o clock after a Straßenbahn an ubahn and two buses.

Then came New Years!!! We got to overnight at the sister training leaders apartment which meant staying up with all of the other missionaries at a senior missionaries apartment and watching the fireworks. New Years in Germany is CRAZY!!! I felt like I was in world war 3!!!! But it was awesome fun and definitely an adventure. It just made it hard to get up for 9:30 church the next day. Especially when you realize you forgot to pack contact supplies and your glasses.

My third Ghanaian experience was on New Years. I had foo foo for the first time. It was really gross. I almost gagged. Yuck. It had this fish soup stuff on it that yeah.... yeah....

Okay. Man. That was probably one of the worst emails I've ever written. Please enjoy though hahahaha. Basically the main point of the email. Got lost a lot and had weird people and food. Had some awesome contacting though and found tons of potentials this week!!!

Sister Losee

                                              The angry selfie is me after getting on the 8 instead of 2 .

                                      The rice on this table is sooooooo delicious!!!!!

                                                                     New Years EVE!!!!

Finally....some snow!


Merry Christmas!!! I'm glad you all in Utah had a white Christmas.
Because I most definitely didn't. But it was awesome despite that fact!!

Christmas away from home wasn't so sad like I thought it might be.
First of all it came out of nowhere. Suddenly it was just Christmas Eve!! Christmas Eve was a good day! In the morning we had been doing some contacting, and sister weeks and I helped a man carry his groceries down some stairs to the ubahn and as a thank you gift he gave us a GIANT bag of lettuce and salad. Granted we are definitely not going to eat it. Who knows where it came from. But it was just funny in the least. Then we went to a members home for Christmas Eve.
It was a Swiss dinner and so that was an adventure. And then we had Norwegian dessert. Oh and I also got to watch the movie it's a wonderful life! I love that movie!! It was a good Christmas Eve! Not as hectic and crazy as at home. But good. We were getting a ride to and from the members home by an areaseventy  that was going to their house as well. And I accidentally gave him some bad directions back to our apartment and he made a joke about me listening to the spirit.

Then Christmas!!!! Church in the morning was amazing. There was a beautiful spirit there and we had two investigators show up! Then we had Christmas lunch/dinner linner at a Portuguese families home. It was hilarious. They had family members there that didn't know English so I couldn't understand half the conversations that went on. But whatever they were saying was hilarious. Hahahaha

Then I got to skype my family!!! It was so weird. It felt like I had just talked to them days before. It didn't feel like that long ago.
And man did that time go by fast. It was really good to see them and hear their voices. Then we just went to the office and hung out with some other missionaries because of call ins and sending in numbers.

Today is still our pday even though everything is still closed and on holiday schedule. Also I don't have much email time because of more member appointments. I just finished celebrating Boxing Day with a family from England and tonight I will be eating some Ghana Christmas foods. The international ward basically rocks.

Things that happened this week as well:

We went contacting just the two of us and gave away FOUR copies of the Book of Mormon in just one hour!! We also met a German man that had heard of the church AND wanted to learn more. I about died of shock.

We helped this old Philippine lady go do her shopping because it's hard for her to get around and it's been rainy and she needed to go buy stuff before the stores all closed for holiday. Pictures will be included don't worry.

We went caroling as a district and that was a lot of fun. Plus I got TWO potentials. Normally I have trouble getting even one at things like that.

Sister weeks and I also had tons of Finding time this week but it was really successful and we had fun even though it was cold. That is a success. I have started learning a new fun adjective to use every day while contacting. It makes door approaches that much more fun.

Hope everyone had an amazing holiday season. Don't forget to set some AWESOME spiritual goals and ways to continue being the light this next year. The light the world initiative shouldn't just be for Christmas.
But all year. Because it's amazing.

Love you all!!!